Dental crowns are solid tooth coverings that protect damaged, unhealthy teeth and restore function. Dr. Gary Beavers, your family dentist in Cary, NC, offers patients the dental care they need.

What are crowns?

Crowns are prosthetic oral appliances made of esthetic but strong materials consisting mostly of zirconium and dilithium silicate. Crowns are custom-made for each individual situation; the shade and shape are made to match your specific need.

They restore cosmetic and structural imperfections, including:

  • Chips, cracks, and fractures
  • Excessive spacing
  • Tooth discolorations

Since crowns are caps that fit over teeth, your Cary, NC, dentist uses them for many procedures. For example:

  • Crowns are placed over severely damaged or decayed teeth. Dr. Beavers removes the bacterial damage and fills the cavity. If the tooth structure is too compromised, a crown is placed over the tooth to reinforce the tooth and aid in functionality - like eating.
  • Crowns are important for other dental restorations as well! They're used to restore dental implants and bridges.

How to care for dental crowns

Caring for your crowns is like caring for your natural teeth. With a healthy and consistent oral regimen, your crowns can last 15 years or longer.

Brush twice a day using a soft-bristled toothbrush to remove plaque off tooth surfaces. The gum line is your primary focus as plaque forms there first and foremost. This protects teeth and gums from decay and inflammation. Also, floss after meals or snacks to eliminate food debris from between teeth and other hard-to-reach areas. Floss once daily to disrupt plaque from the in-between surfaces where the brush bristles do not reach. This is best done at night when getting ready for bed. If you are having trouble flossing daily, try flossing before brushing at bedtime. You will not skip brushing if you floss first, but you will be tempted to skip flossing if you brush first.

Other steps to ensuring the health of your teeth are to visit your family dentist twice a year for professional dental cleanings and for dental examinations that can prevent or treat diseases during their early stages.

Do I need to change what I eat?

Well, yes and no. You don't need to stick to a particular diet or avoid food the way you would if you had braces, but it's best to avoid sugary foods and beverages and opt for healthier options, like fruits and vegetables. Extremely hard foods can damage your natural teeth as well as a new crown.

Would you like to speak with a family dentist?

To learn more about crowns or other concerns, call Dr. Beavers of Cary, NC, at (919) 467-7717 to schedule an appointment.

Office Hours

8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 5:00 pm